GenerateCertMainPanel - Class in core.view.panels.keymanagement
The certificate generation panel Copyright (c) 2006 Sebastian Erdweg Copyright (c) 2006 Dominik Schulz Copyright (c) 2006 Florian Lindner Copyright (c) 2006 Betim Berjani This file is part of FlexiCrypt.
GenerateCertMainPanel(StatusBar) - Constructor for class core.view.panels.keymanagement.GenerateCertMainPanel
Constructs a panel to generate self-signed certificates.
GenerateCertMainPanel(StatusBar, boolean) - Constructor for class core.view.panels.keymanagement.GenerateCertMainPanel
Constructs a panel to generate certificates.
GenerateCRLMainPanel - Class in core.view.panels.keymanagement
The crl generation panel Copyright (c) 2006 Sebastian Erdweg Copyright (c) 2006 Dominik Schulz Copyright (c) 2006 Florian Lindner Copyright (c) 2006 Betim Berjani This file is part of FlexiCrypt.
GenerateCRLMainPanel(StatusBar) - Constructor for class core.view.panels.keymanagement.GenerateCRLMainPanel
generateOutputFile() - Static method in class core.util.DummyFile
generateRandomInputfile(int) - Static method in class core.util.DummyFile
Create a random file with the given size
GenerateSecretKeyMainPanel - Class in core.view.panels.keymanagement
The key generation panel Copyright (c) 2006 Sebastian Erdweg Copyright (c) 2006 Dominik Schulz Copyright (c) 2006 Florian Lindner Copyright (c) 2006 Betim Berjani This file is part of FlexiCrypt.
GenerateSecretKeyMainPanel(StatusBar) - Constructor for class core.view.panels.keymanagement.GenerateSecretKeyMainPanel
getAlgorithm() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.HashPanel
getAlgorithmName() - Method in class core.view.util.KeyStrengthComboBox
getAlias(KeyStore.Entry) - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getAllAliases() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getAllEntries() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getAmountDone() - Method in class core.util.Function
getAsymmAlgosWithStrenths() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getCommonName() - Method in class core.crypto.SimplePrincipal
getCountry() - Method in class core.crypto.SimplePrincipal
getCRLfromFile(File) - Static method in class core.crypto.Certificates
Read a CRL from a file
getCrls() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getCSR(PublicKey, PrivateKey, Name, String) - Static method in class core.crypto.Certificates
Generate a PKCS#10 CSR (Certificate signing request)
getCSRfromFile(File) - Static method in class core.crypto.Certificates
Reads a PKCS#10 CSR from a File
getDefaultCRLPath() - Method in class core.view.AbstractMainDialog
getDefaultCRLPath() - Method in class core.view.AdminDialog
getDefaultCRLPath() - Method in class core.view.MainDialog
getDefaultKeyStorePath() - Method in class core.view.AbstractMainDialog
getDefaultKeyStorePath() - Method in class core.view.AdminDialog
getDefaultKeyStorePath() - Method in class core.view.MainDialog
getDigest(InputStream, MessageDigest, long) - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
Creates a MessageDigest on the FileInputStream
getDigest(InputStream, String, long) - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
Creates a MessageDigest on the FileInputStream
getDigest(File, MessageDigest) - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
getDigest(byte[], String) - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
getDigest(String, String) - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
getDigestAlgos() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getDigestLength(String) - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
getDigestLength(MessageDigest) - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
getEmail(X509Certificate) - Static method in class core.crypto.Certificates
getEntry(String) - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getFile() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.FilePanel
getFile() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.HashPanel
getFile() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.WipePanel
getFileFromURI(String) - Static method in class core.util.XMLTools
Parse an URI-String a return a local File object this method parses an URI/URL an returns a File-Object e.g. if the URI references a local object the path is resolved and converted to an File object or if the URI references a remote object, the object is fetched and an file object is created on the fetched file
getFormatedStringOfBytes(byte[], String) - Static method in class core.util.StringTools
getHybridAlgo() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.EncryptPanel
getHybridAlgorithm() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.EncryptPanel
getInstance() - Static method in class core.controller.Controller
getInstance(String) - Static method in class core.model.FakeKeyStore
getInstance(String, Provider) - Static method in class core.model.FakeKeyStore
getInstance() - Static method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getInstance() - Static method in class core.util.IntegerComparator
getInstance() - Static method in class core.view.AbstractMainDialog
Returns the correspondenting Dialog.
getIterationCount() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.WipePanel
getKey() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.DecryptPanel
getKey() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.EncryptPanel
getKey() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.SignPanel
getKey() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.VerifyPanel
getKeySize() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.PerformancePanel
getLocationCity() - Method in class core.crypto.SimplePrincipal
getName() - Method in class core.crypto.SimplePrincipal
getNewKey(String, int) - Static method in class core.crypto.Symmetric
Erzeugt einen neuen symmetrischen Schlüssel
getNewKeyPair(String, int) - Static method in class core.crypto.Asymmetric
This Method generats a new KeyPair
getNewPBEKey(char[]) - Static method in class core.crypto.Symmetric
Constructs a passphrase based encryption key by computing its hashvalue 5 times with MD5 and then creating an RC6 key out of it.
getNewPrivateKeyEntry(String, String, int, Principal, String, Calendar, Calendar, int, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class core.crypto.Asymmetric
Constructs a private key entry with a self-signed cert.
getNewPrivateKeyEntry(String, String, int, Principal, String, Calendar, Calendar, int, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, PrivateKey, X509Certificate) - Static method in class core.crypto.Asymmetric
getNewPrivateKeyEntry(String, String, int, Calendar, Calendar, int, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class core.crypto.Asymmetric
erzeugt einen privatekeyentry unter angabe aller details
getNextBestStrength(int) - Method in class core.view.util.KeyStrengthComboBox
This method is usefull for the performace stuff
getOpenFile() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.OpenSavePanel
getOrganization() - Method in class core.crypto.SimplePrincipal
getOrganizationUnit() - Method in class core.crypto.SimplePrincipal
getOwnerName() - Method in class core.view.util.KeyCertComboBox
getPrivateKeyEntryByCertificateId(BigInteger) - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
Searches for a PrivateKeyEntry with a given Certificate ID
getRevokedSerials() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getSaveFile() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.OpenSavePanel
getSelectedAlgorithmName() - Method in class core.view.util.AlgorithmComboBox
getSelectedKey() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.EncryptPanel
getSelectedKey() - Method in class core.view.util.KeyCertComboBox
getSelectedOwner() - Method in class core.view.util.KeyOwnerComboBox
getSelectedPerf() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.PerformancePanel
getSelectedPerf() - Method in class core.view.util.PerformanceComboBox
getSelectedStrenght() - Method in class core.view.util.KeyStrengthComboBox
getServices() - Method in class core.crypto.threads.AsymmetricServicesThread
getServices() - Method in class core.crypto.threads.DigestServicesThread
getServices() - Method in class core.crypto.threads.SignatureServicesThread
getServices() - Method in class core.crypto.threads.SymmetricServicesThread
getSignAlgo() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.SignPanel
getSignAlgos() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getStatus() - Method in class core.view.AbstractMainDialog
getStatus() - Method in class core.view.AdminDialog
getStatus() - Method in class core.view.MainDialog
getStringOfByte(byte) - Static method in class core.util.StringTools
getSymmAlgosWithStrenths() - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
getSymStrength() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.EncryptPanel
getTabPane() - Method in class core.view.panels.main.AbstractMainPanel
getTempFilename() - Static method in class core.util.XMLTools
This mehtod generates a unique filename for temp files.
getText() - Method in class core.view.panels.help.HashPanel
getText() - Method in class core.view.util.StatusBar
getTrustedCertificateEntryByCertificateId(BigInteger) - Method in class core.model.KeyStoreProvider
Searches for a TrustedCertificateEntry with a given Certificate ID
getType() - Method in class core.view.util.AlgorithmComboBox
getValidServices() - Static method in class core.crypto.Asymmetric
Creates a set of valid asymmetric algorithms
getValidServices() - Static method in class core.crypto.Digest
Creates a set of valid digest algorithms
getValidServices() - Static method in class core.crypto.Signatures
Creates a list of valid signature algorithms
getValidServices() - Static method in class core.crypto.Symmetric
Creates a set of valid symmetric algorithms
getXMLNode(List, String) - Static method in class core.util.XMLTools
Descend into the XML-Tree and find a node with the given name
GZIP - Static variable in class core.util.Base64
Specify that data should be gzip-compressed.