VBoxAdm is a Web Based management tool for Mailservers running Postfix and Dovecot (and possibly others if you adopt the configuration).Please note that this software is still largely untested and considered ALPHA quality code.
- 22.01.2010 - Release version 0.0.26. Please upgrade. This version fixes some outstanding bugs with vacation.
- 17.01.2010 - Release version 0.0.25. This version brings more detailed information and further UI improvements.
- 16.01.2010 - Release version 0.0.24. This version features a improved design and better warning and error messages.
- 23.12.2010 - Release version 0.0.23 aka Happy Christmas. This version ships with a custom roundcube plugin and improves caching within the SMTP-Proxy.
- 18.12.2020 - Release version 0.0.22. Fix a bug preventing login when salted hashes were used for the user. Added testcases for password generation.
- 17.12.2010 - Release version 0.0.21. All passwords are now protected using any of the supported one-way hash functions.
- 14.12.2010 - Release version 0.0.18. This version includes several small fixes and code cleanup.
- 11.12.2010 - Release version 0.0.17. This version fixes some bugs and improves the documentation.
- 07.12.2010 - Release version 0.0.16. This version features more translations (ar, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, pl, pt, ru, zh). The application is now available as a Debian package.
- 01.12.2010 - Release Version 0.0.12. This version features the integration of Localization (L10N) code and the first translation to german.
- 29.11.2010 - Release the first update, Version 0.0.11, based on initial feedback. Adds some fixes and documentation updates.
- 27.11.2010 - Inital public release of Version 0.0.7.
- All-in-one mailserver solution
- written in modern, maintainable Perl using standard CPAN modules where applicable
- MySQL Backend
- No unencrypted Passwords - the passwords in the database are hashed and optionally salted
- Clean, extendable Database schema, with normalized tables. No data duplication or obscure table layouts.
- Roundcube integration which allows users to change their vacation messages and passwords
- ships with its own, lightyweight Anti-Spam Proxy, backened by SpamAssassin
- custom vacation auto-responder (RFC 3834 compliant)
- Clear separation of layout and code using the Template::Toolkit
- Localization support
- per User maximum message size configurable
- Perl 5.9.0+
- Debian Lenny (or newer)
While looking for a web based management tool for my mailserver I was unsatisfied with the existing solutions so I've decided to roll my own.This application incorporates code and ideas of others. Please see the enclosed file doc/CREDITS and my related blog postabout VBoxAdm, Postfix.Admin and their relation.
A german tutorial can be found here: ISP Mail Server mit VBoxAdm, MySQL, SpamAssassin, Postfix und Dovecot auf Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze.
- Localization: more Translations
- CSV Exports
- Improved Documentation (a verbose tutorial is
plannedfinished. See above.) - Exim support
- Courier support
Source Code
VBoxAdm 0.0.26 ALPHA Source CodeDebian Package
The Debian package is targeted at Debian squeeze but should be installable on Debian lenny and recent releases of Ubuntu, too. Please let me know if you encounter any errors.Add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list, import my public key and install the package via aptitude:
echo "deb http://packages.gauner.org/ squeeze main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list gpg --keyserver x-hkp://gpg-keyserver.de --search-key D31FA054C85AEFAC gpg --export D31FA054C85AEFAC | apt-key add - aptitude update aptitude install vboxadmFrom the source code five packages get built. vboxadm is a virtual package that depends on all other vboxadm components and is meant as a all-in-one solution. vboxadm-sa is only the Anti-Spam Proxy, vboxadm-vacation is the vacation auto-responder, vboxadm-cgi is the web frontend and vboxadm-common contains some common libs on the localizations. The reason for splitting this package up is that this allows you to easily separate the single components onto different servers. In any case you'll need a Database, a MTA, a Anti-Spam Proxy and a webserver serving the frontend. These can be either on the same host or on different ones. This design should help with scale-out and high-availability.
Currently this application includes a number of translations, but most of them are machine-translations and probably not perfect. If you spot any issues please mail me your suggestions.Documenation
Please see the enclosed perldoc.Screenshots
Domain List
Domain Aliases
Admin List
Login Screen in Arabic
Login Screen in Chinese
If you need help with this application write to Dominik Schulz dominik_DOT_schulz_AT_gauner_DOT_org and I'll try to provide help.If you want to support this application you should consider Flattr: