FlexiCrypt is the result of an undergraduate lab at the Darmstadt University of Technology.News
24/03/2007 - I've just uploaded the first maintenance release of FlexiCrypt. The included librarys were updated to the latest releases. Several changes in the FlexiProvider API made some changes in FlexiCrypt necessary.16/10/2006 - This is the first public release of FlexiCrypt.
- key managing (asymmetric and symmetric)
- generate certificates
- symmetric encryption
- asymmetric encryption
- hybrid encryption
- decryption
- XML-signatures
- message digest computation
- secure file deletion (wipe files)
- performance comparison
- exported PKCS#12 KeyStores should be validated by Mozilla
- make Java WebStart work
- ...
FlexiCrypt 1.1 Binary (requires at least Java 5 RE or better) (md5sum: 7f9da297185896ace9f3b7749f2b905b)FlexiCrypt 1.1 Binary (requires at least Java 5 RE or better) (md5sum: ce2ff19de31e5e67563fd2841c15228b)
FlexiCrypt 1.0 Source Code (requires at least Java 5 SDK or better to build) (md5sum: 5e62cac8931c5fb33e14aeb8e5ce4044)
FlexiCrypt 1.0 Binary (requires at least Java 5 RE or better) (md5sum: 4ab573d3ba53851feac53dad40ce27e0)
The JavaDoc is available online or for donwload inside the source archive.Additional doumentation built during the lab, including requirements specification, QA documentation and design specification, is not made available to the public. If you are interrested in those docs, please contact the authors.
Public SVN
We provide a public read-only SVN available at this place.If you are interested in contributing to this project contact us.
You can reach the developers at bp_AT_lists_DOT_gauner_DOT_org.Here you can tell me whatever you want. If you wan't me to be able to contact you remeber to provide some contact adress, e.g. Jabber or Mail.